Paul Dano did ’70 to 80′ takes for final scene in The Batman

The director then went on to praise Paul Dano’s “unpredictable” performance as The Riddler.
Paul Dano did “70 to 80” takes for his final scene in The Batman, according to writer/director Matt Reeves.
The filmmaker described the 39-year-old actor, who played The Riddler in the 2022 superhero blockbuster, as “indefatigable” and “obsessive” in an interview with The Guardian.
“Paul loves doing a lot of takes, as do I,” the Cloverfield director shared. “We took two days on the final scene between him and Robert Pattinson as Batman, and we must have easily done 70 or 80 takes. Paul loves exploring. He’s obsessive that way.”
Reeves then went on to praise Dano’s “unpredictable” performance as The Riddler.
“There were all these moments as the Riddler where he’d be tickled by something and then fly into a rage, and you never knew from take to take where that switch would come,” Reeves explained of filming the actor.
He added, “I’d be sitting there with the headphones on, trying to stifle my laughter because he’d always do something surprising. Paul would ask me: ‘Was that crazy? Was that too much?’ I’d say: ‘No it’s fantastic. Let’s do another.'”
In January, it was revealed that Reeves would be turning The Batman into a trilogy of films, with The Batman Part II slated for release on 3 October 2025.
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