Martin Scorsese regrets not reuniting with Ray Liotta after Goodfellas

In a letter published by The Guardian, the legendary director reflected on what it was like to collaborate with the Field of Dreams actor on the 1990 crime film.
Martin Scorsese wishes he had worked with Ray Liotta again after Goodfellas.
In a letter published by The Guardian, the legendary director reflected on what it was like to collaborate with the Field of Dreams actor on the 1990 crime film.
Accordingly, Scorsese shared that he regrets not finding the right project to partner with Liotta on before he died at the age of 67 last month.
“We had many plans to work together again but the timing was always off, or the project wasn’t quite right. I regret that now,” the filmmaker wrote. “When I watched Ray as the divorce lawyer in (2019 film) Marriage Story – he’s genuinely scary in the role, which is precisely why he’s so funny – I remember feeling that I wanted to work with him again at this point in his life, to explore the gravity in his presence, so different from the young, sprightly actor he was when I met him.
“I wish I’d had the chance to see him just once more, too – to tell him just how much the work we did together meant to me. But maybe he knew that. I hope so.”
Scorsese went on to detail how amazed he was by Liotta’s “fearless” performance in Goodfellas and revealed that he will never forget the day he shot a scene with the actor, Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, and Paul Sorvino.
While Liotta had just received bad news about the state of his mother’s health, he insisted on shooting his part before leaving the set.
“The scene was all about the euphoria of the characters after making their first big score, and everyone came together in an emotional bond around Ray: as everyone was laughing and celebrating, they were mourning with him at the same time. Laughter and tears, tears and laughter … they were one and the same. Ray did the scene so beautifully, and then he left to be with his beloved mother. It was a rare experience,” the 79-year-old added.
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