The Batman

  • Robert Pattinson, Colin Farrell, Zoë Kravitz
  • Matt Reeves
  • March 4th 2022
In his second year of fighting crime, Batman explores the corruption that plagues Gotham City and how it may tie to his own family, in addition to coming into conflict with a serial killer known as the Riddler.

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Our Review

The Batman

Verdict: Matt Reeves has created a technically perfect and refreshing spin on the classic Batman tale - it's just a shame about the length.

  • Robert Pattinson, Colin Farrell, Zoë Kravitz
  • March 4th 2022
  • Matt Reeves

Robert Pattinson makes his debut as Bruce Wayne/Batman in Matt Reeves’ detective spin on the classic superhero story.

Many actors have worn the Batsuit – Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Ben Affleck – to name a few. And now, it’s time for Robert Pattinson to make his debut as the Caped Crusader.

Matt Reeves’ movie is not your usual superhero story – this is a neo-noir detective story that just happens to star Batman. The reboot is set during Bruce Wayne’s second year of fighting crime in Gotham City, and it follows him as he works with GCPD Lieutenant James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) to track down the serial killer Riddler (Paul Dano), who seems to be targeting city officials.

This world is very different to the one we usually see in Batman films. Bruce is younger and more inexperienced at fighting crime and is also a moody recluse instead of the flashy billionaire who loves a photo opp. Oswald Cobblepot (Colin Farrell) is not yet The Penguin, he’s just a mid-level gangster named Oz, and Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz) takes a backseat to her alter ego Selina...

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