
  • Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci.
  • Harry Macqueen
  • June 25th 2021
A gay couple, one a musician, the other a novelist, embark on a road trip as dementia starts to take hold of one of them.

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Verdict: Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci give moving awards-worthy performances in this poignant love story

  • Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci.
  • June 25th 2021
  • Harry Macqueen

Stanley Tucci and Colin Firth travel across England in an RV to see their family and friends one last time.

Prepare to have your hearts broken by Stanley Tucci and Colin Firth in this moving drama.

Supernova, written and directed by Harry Macqueen, tells the story of British pianist Sam (Firth) and American author Tusker (Tucci), who have been partners for more than 20 years.

They decide to travel across England in an RV to visit family, friends, and places meaningful to them one last time before Tusker deteriorates further in his battle with dementia.

Putting Firth and Tucci together was an inspired piece of casting as they are so well-liked individually, meaning most viewers automatically care about their relationship.

But even if you don’t from the get-go, you will certainly end up investing in them as characters.

The dynamic between them was lovely, they played off each other well and had great chemistry.

It was enjoyable watching their light-hearted and playful bickering at the beginning – these pieces of dialogue were very...

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